
Vanja Lozic is an associate professor in educational sciences who conducts research on education, educational sociology and partnerships against juvenile delinquency. His research is focused on anti-oppressive education, ethnicity, multiculturalism, gender, disability, and youth cultures, as well as work-integrated learning. Previously, Vanja has served as a research manager in cooperation between Malmö University and Malmo municipality and as a project manager for The Swedish National Agency for Education (Skolverket).

Lozic is a member of the steering committee for ROCIT, a research school that aims to explore and improve our understanding of the balance between experiential and scientifically-based knowledge, especially at a time when teacher education is undergoing changes. This research school is a joint effort among eight Swedish eight Swedish universities.

Currently, Vanja's research is centred around oppressive power structures that are experienced by compulsory school students and teachers. Specifically, he is interested in exploring how teachers encounter subtle forms of exclusion, marginalization, and unfair or abusive treatment, actions, or words from colleagues, students, or their guardians. To describe these subtle maltreatments, which are often disguised in benevolent praise and tend to fall below the threshold for social and legal action, Lozic uses the analytical term "microaggression".

As a part of a research project financed by The Swedish Research Council (2014-2017), I conducted research about partnerships between social services, police, schools and voluntary organisations, governance of juvenile delinquency in multi-ethnic Sweden, and resilience-based governance.

As part of a trans-European research project funded by the Seventh Framework Programme of the European Commission, I conducted an analysis of how museums contribute to the creation of national and other identities. Additionally, I researched the challenges that teachers face when educating students with high-functioning autism and the role of work-integrated learning in higher education. In 2010, I completed my doctorate, with my thesis titled "In the Shadow of History Canon: History Taught as a Subject and Identification Formation in a 21st Century Multicultural Society." To better understand my research, you can watch a short video presentation of my thesis.