
Kristina Lindström works within the intersection between participatory design, speculative design and feminist technoscience. She has a broad experience in working with design for public engagement and future-making, with a particular focus on how design can cultivate alternative ways of understanding, experiencing, and engaging with climate change amongst publics. Furthermore, her research concerns how to carefully untie designs entanglements with progress, and to craft imaginaries and practices of a more socio-ecologically just design.

She is part of the coordination group of the research group Collaborative Future-Making at Malmö University, where she amongst other things has been part of running the Future-Making Academy. She is the project leader of the research project Grief and Hope in Transition which explores the affective dimension of the transition to post carbon futures. She is the co-founder of the Un/Making Studio, that explores alternatives to progressivist imaginaries within design. In collaborations with Åsa Ståhl and Li Jönsson she is currently leading the 6-year research environment Design after Progress: Reimagining Design Histories and Futures, funded by the Swedish Research Council.